Best Angel Investor in France - India first Angel network which not only helps in funding but also helps to accelerate business growth


1- Startup Angels Network – Best Angel Investor in France

Investors in this hub have made investments into companies and startups with headquarters located in France, Europe; notable events and people located in France are also included. This list of angel investors that made investments in companies headquartered in France provides data on their investment activities, fund raising history, portfolio.

2- Réseau Financier Français – UK Top Angel Investment Networks

An angel investor is a wealthy individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. A small but increasing number of angel investors organize themselves into angel groups or angel networks to share research and pool their investment capital. Investment networks are organized groups of investors and entrepreneurs who are mutually interested in launching a new venture or restructuring an existing business operation with an eye of generating a significant profit. This forum allows people with money to connect with people who have ideas and expertise. Top angel investment networks may be open to a number of different types of ventures or can focus on a particular kind of business venture.

3- Othership – Find Angel Investors | Pitch For Investment Online

We believe in a new world of work that revolves around you. That adapts to your needs, and allows you to pursue the work you want to do, wherever you are. Where working for yourself doesn’t have to mean working by yourself.

4- France-Science – Angel Investors 

Angel Investors are private individuals who can bring in addition to financings, a regular support for the creator through their time, their address book, etc. In France, Angel Investors are called Business Angels. There are associations of business-angels, like la Fédération des Cigales (110 clubs of Investment) or (network of business-angels, with a qualified base of 500 European investors)

5- Andorra Advisors – Angel Investors – Capital and knowledge for new entrepreneurs

The Angel Investor or Business Angel, is that accredited person; with money to invest. Angel Investors are looking for small or new companies to invest their own money. They also bring their experience, knowledge and contacts; Normally in exchange for being a business partner.

6- Linguee – Angel investor – French translation

This article showcases our top picks for the best France based Angel Investment companies. These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Angel Investment industry, but are all exceptional companies well worth a follow.


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